
Hello, I’m Eleanor. I’ve been dancing tango for well over a decade now, and I thought and wrote about what I was doing from the start. I dance an accessible, intimate, social style that has served me well both in Buenos Aires and around Europe.

I regularly dance both roles socially, follow and lead. I choose depending on the music and the partners available.

When I teach and when I DJ, I aim to create more of the kind of social dancing I would want to see around, and would want to dance with. When I DJ anywhere I list it on the DJ page.

I talk about my ambitions when I teach beginners here. Some tips and playlists for students (which I’ll add to) are here.

I’m no longer teaching at Tango Garden after 3rd September 2022, but if I organise any of my own things I will put them on the blog. It also means I’m now available most Saturdays this autumn.

You can contact me here.